Home » Q&A: ReelOzInd! 2020 Jim Schiller Prize for Best Young Filmmaker winners Bertrand Valentino & Jonggi Mk

Q&A: ReelOzInd! 2020 Jim Schiller Prize for Best Young Filmmaker winners Bertrand Valentino & Jonggi Mk

Bertrand Valentino (Getun/Regret) | Jonggi Mk (Kisah sekolah dalam tiga babak / The story of the school in three acts)

Bertrand Valentino (Getun / Regret)

Getun / Regret follows the story of a high school student trapped in hallucinations and regret after another day of skipping lessons.

Getun was written and directed by 18-year-old Bertrand Valentino (above, left), and is one of the films sharing the Best Young Filmmaker Award at this year’s ReelOzInd! short film festival. Bertrand is a student at SMK N 1 Klaten and a veteran director of films including Tirtha, Revolusi Tani and Megat-ruh.

Did you know much about Indonesia / Australia before deciding to take part in the short film festival?

I did not know much about it before, I found out about it after I was told by some of my friends who had previously attended this film festival.


What did you learn from your film in terms of your own professional development?

I got a lot of experience, from that experience I learn to develop myself better [professionally].

How was the pandemic impacted on your creative work?

This pandemic has a huge impact on my creative work, but not all of it is negative, this pandemic has encouraged me and my friends to think more creatively with all the limitations that exist.

Watch the ReelOzInd! 2020 Festival and Q&A here

Watch and vote for all shortlisted films here

Jonggi Mk (Kisah sekolah dalam tiga babak / The story of the school in three acts)

Kisah sekolah dalam tiga babak / The story of the school in three acts uses dance performance to tell the story of how an average Indonesian student feels about school.

The short film was written and produced by 18-year-old Jonggi Mk (top, right), co-winner of our Best Young Filmmaker Award in 2020. Jonggi is no stranger to ReelOzInd!, with his short film Divergensi earning a special mention in our 2019 festival alongside the coveted People’s Choice Award.

Did you know much about Indonesia / Australia before deciding to take part in the short film festival?

I know, but things like that did not affect me to take part in this reelozind! Competition. In my opinion, it is certainly not an obstacle to work and have a voice in the films we make through this reelozind film festival.

What did you learn from your film in terms of your own professional development?

I learned a lot from film so far, film is a very unique learning method to know about anything. Especially for self-improvement.


How was the pandemic impacted on your creative work?

In my opinion, pandemic is not an obstacle for us, instead it is a new and interesting thing to discuss, because creative people must continue to improvise their ideas under any circumstances.

Watch the ReelOzInd! 2020 Festival and Q&A here

Watch and vote for all shortlisted films here